My life in my Mind...

Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Army SUCKS!!

People listen up the Army does NOT take care of there men. Now, in the real world when you dont feel good you call in sick and its done and over with. Well, in the Army when your sick you still have to get up at 5:00 in the morning and be there by 6:15 a.m. My poor husband is sick with the flu. He went to sick call yesterday Nov. 9th and the doctor said that he needed to go home well he ended up taking some meds and fell asleep in the car at work in the parking lot for 7 hours! LOL yeah thats funny I was laughing when he came home and told he his day. Well, like every wife when your hubby is sick you take care of him which i did ALL NIGHT ALL! Now, John wakes up this morning at about 5:00 and I wake up with him to make sure he was ok and he said oooh God I feel like shit. I told him to go to sick call again and try to see if the doctor will dismiss him from work again. Well, he tells me that he got to work and almost fell over in formation and that his SGT didnt really want him to go to sick call again because he went yesterday and they are doing some important field training. Blah Blah Blah. Well, John goes anyways and this time they run a crap load of tests and John goes back to the company and doesnt see his team and leaves to come home. I'm happy to see that he was home but a little pissed because now I have to take care of my 2 year old son Hunter but now my 22 year old husband. He does the right thing and calls his SGT the one that didnt want him to go to sick call in the first place and what does this MF-er say? That John needs to come back to work. That if he doesnt then John will have to come in on the weekend to do this training which I think is just BS. Because if anyone knows the Army that if John has to go in then his SGT has to come in too. Which come on does anyone WANT to go in to work when they dont have to? Ok well some do but not the guys in the army. Some people love being in the Army which is fine, some people become "lifers" and will be in the Army for life. Then theres the rest of the people that just do there time and get out. Oh yes I said do there time like it was jail. My husband John joined because we as a couple needed to get away from the drug use that was going on with our friends and I had told John that if he didnt do something that I was going to leave him. He was really into the drugs for a while and I was getting to the point in life that I wanted something more. Like get married, have kids, get into the real world settle down. John joined the Army a few months after 9-11 and I wasnt to worried about a war breaking out so I was fine. He goes off to Basic Training we get married we move 2300 miles away from family and friends I get preg with our son in Aug 2002. I here nothing about a war yet so everything was working in my favor. Life is sweet! Then the war breaks out and 4 years later. Here I am, here we are. Life is one huge lemon and I have no sugar and that really sucks. Do you have any sugar to give me?


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