My life in my Mind...

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Week 3 Day 1...Cont'
Ok so John called. I cried the whole time. Hes NOT cheating and hes just tired of fighting but who isnt. I told him that I was going to talk to a doctor and that I wanted him to do the same. He knows that I'm hurt by the smoking and is going to stop. At least he better. I feel so much better now. I guess hes just has a lot on his plate at work there and that its crappy what they have to do to the prisoners. In the sense that these men and women have shot and killed US troops and now he has to pretty much wipe there ass. Thats his words not mine. I dont know. Hes going to try and call me more which will be nice. Oh and I guess Josh is on the other side of the camp and they hardly see each other. I think the only thing that will make me 100% all better is John to quit smoking. I know its not a huge deal to other people but its a huge deal to me. Plain and simple. I care to much about him to die on me when we are 60 of something that he could have fixed. So, thats that. Ok, I need some sleep tomorrow is the big game day. I also think this not eating thing is taking some kind of affect on me too. I dont know. Oh well. Night!


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