My life in my Mind...

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Day 5 Without John...
He finally called! WooHoo! On the other hand its not all woohoo. He called at like 4 in the morning. I was only sleeping for like 2 hours so when he did call I was still more then half asleep. I guess I asked if he was getting tired of Josh and he said that it was only 4 days. We ended up almost fighting and then it got quite over the phone and I had to get up earily for Masons appt so I said that why dont you call your parents and he hung up on me. Can you believe that? I was pissed and was like what the hell? This was not how I wanted our first call to be. I wanted it to be you know "hi baby, i miss you so much and the kids and how are they? I wish I was home right now. I love you so much baby." You know? Here I've been stressing and crying because he hasnt called and that I miss him and this is the first call I get from him. I now dont think I want him to call. If this is how hes going to be when he calls F*** him. I guess we'll have to see whats going to happen when he calls again.


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