My life in my Mind...

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Years Weekend...
What a week, what a week. Well I had the baby! Mason Lee Ward was born on Dec. 30th 2005 at 7:56p.m. weighing in at 7lbs 4oz and 20 1/2 inches long. He looks just like John and I's first son Hunter. They even weighed the same. I can tell hes my good boy because he doesnt wake up at night to eat I have to wake him up to eat. Its so nice to have him home now. Im slowing getting my stomach back which is really nice. I hope to wear my reg clothes in the next few days. Labor went by really fast and it was hard I was in a lot of pain like Im sure every woman who had a baby would know. I went from being 3cm dialated to 7cm dialated in a matter of walking to the car and walking back. I think the back labor was the hardest. It felt like my spine was going to break out of the skin. John watched the whole thing since he miss everything with Hunter. I was happy now that he knows that I wasnt joking about being in pain. He saw the tears and shaking and the pushing and everything else that goes along with it.
I came home New Years eve night 45 minutes before midnight. It was kinda funny John and I didnt even care about drinking hell or even watching the ball drop. We now are a family of 4! I feel a little out numbered only because I'm seriously the only female living here. I mean the cats male and John, Hunter, and now Mason. We now have 2 kids in diapers, 2 kids that needs the both of us I think we havent even seen whats going to happen yet. Its not even a full day that Im home yet and so far Hunters been great he was holding Mason this morning and it was picture perfect. John walked in and just said WOW look at my boys and he stepped back and said WOW my boys! It just about put a tear in my eye.
Other then that I feel like I gave birth. My nipples are in pain, I'm bleeding like 9 months of periods have been gone and this is the only way God can curse me, since I'm brestfeeding John really cant get up with me theres really nothing he can do besides change diapers. I really feel complete now. I have someone for Hunter to play with and someone to keep me busy now that Hunters getting to the point where he doesnt need me as much. Plus, with John leaving for Iraq again in 2 weeks Mason will be something that will keep my mine off him and worring as much. Well, Mason is being quite and this is my only chance to take a shower so I better get it while I can. I love having a family and it being my family is even better.


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