My life in my Mind...

Saturday, January 07, 2006

The count down for Iraq...
Well theres only a matter of days now for John to leave his family for a job that could kill him. He could be leaving for Iraq in just a week and counting. I'm still not trying to think about it just because I could cry in a matter of sec.'s. Its only for 4 to 6 months but he already spent a year over there. He saw things that no one could ever see and be ok with and John not even ok. Hes 22 years old and saw things that 50 or 60 year old people havent seen before. To think that John had to see a little boy that was no older then our 2 year old son that was standing there begging for food get shot right in front of Johns face because he was in the way of shooting my husband it just makes me sick. What the hell is wrong with this world? How can anyone shoot a little child? How can anyone shoot anyone? I guess when the days are long and the nights are longer and both kids are sleeping I guess this blog will be the only thing that keeps me going. To be able to share with the world what I'm going through. Yeah there are tons of thoursands of women and men that are going through the samething as me but for every person there experence is different. This is will be in my shoes. The day and the life of this military wife that prays that there isnt that knock on the door. Thats pretty scray to think about, you and your husband are a young couple and have 2 small kids and he goes off to war and the wife or the husband doesnt know if hes coming home. No one can answer that. I havent prepared for the worst to happen and cant even perpare for him coming home yet. Because I cant even think about him leaving yet. Man I'm in it for a rough ride. I dont even have time to perpare myself for this deployment. They gave us notice like months ago that orders have come down but things change all the time in the Army. Hell things change day to day in the Army. Why me? Why him? Why us? Why now?


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