My life in my Mind...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Week 1 Day 5...
No news on John except that I kinda wanna talk to him tonight. I took Hunter to the park and stayed there for about an hour and a half. WOOHOO for me right? Hunter was spitting on some kids and I have to yell at him. Other then that my day went kinda good. I got up at noon! I know I dont know how that happened but it did. I got my water heater fixed so now I can have HOT showers for more then 10 minutes. I'm slowly working on my account so it looks better. Oh yeah we got our utilitie bill today it was $306.33 tell me something how and the hell does that happen? I mean its for 2 months but still. HOLY CRAP! So, now the heat in on low in the living room and I mean LOW and in the bedroom its on but not on enough because I freezing my butt off. Other then that the house is quite besides Mason waking up to eat. And dark and the screen to the computer and the nightlights are the only thing lighting the room. Well, thats all thats on my mind today. I hope that John will call.


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