My life in my Mind...

Sunday, January 22, 2006

1 Week Day 3...
Before I go on and on about John and whatnot let me just say this. SEATTLE IS GOING TO THE SUPER BOWL!!! The game was GREAT! I'm so excited that they are going to the super bowl. Its so nice to live in a State that football team doesnt suck (Detorit Lions) . See I lived in Michiagn and ooh my there are having just one bad year after another. John and I move out here and start watching the seahawks and WOW they are good.
Ok now about John, he just called about 2 hours ago and he said that he was sorry for being so short with me the last 2 phone calls that hes just sick with a cold and that the weather in Kuwait just was cold and there are having dust storms there and blah blah blah. People I have heard all this crap before from him. So to me it was just in one ear and out the other. But, he said that things are starting to get better now. Hes SUPPOST to get promoted soon. I say suppost to like that because they were suppost to promote him like 11 months ago. I think today just like any other day I just dont really care to talk to him. I dont know if I love him anymore. Its been a question that I've been asking myself for a few months now. John just acts to immature for me. I know that I cant change who he is but a girl can try. Right? Its not what anyone was saying about us. I've been thinking about this myself. I'm married to someone that may love me but doesnt show it, to a person that wants to buy beer and hang out with his friends on the weekends then take that money and use it to something we can do as a family, to go to concerts and go to the bars and everything a normal young person does (that doesnt have a family). I know John can be just about perfect as a father and a husband but he doesnt do it. I think he doesnt do it because he knows that if he does then he would have to do it all the time. I think that if he just does this (being lazy) then I will stop asking and he can just be that lazy.
Oooh man, just when I throught that my day couldnt be any worse Stacy called. Shes pissed at John because John was flipping out and Josh got off the phone after only like 5 minutes. As if she can really blaim John because Josh got off the phone earily with her.
I just cant wait for tomorrow to come if today was like this. I'm going to bed right now so I can get up sooner.


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