My life in my Mind...

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Just Another Day...
All day today I just ran myself around. I had so many things to do. I'm so tired that I could fall sleep standing up. Im really scared to hear from John if Im going to hear from John. I know the last time he told me that he was finished he smoked again to get at me. I'm a little scared about what he may/is doing now. Like is he still wearing his wedding ring? Has he started smoking again? Did he buy that guitar before I cut off his ATM card? Then theres the is he still talking to this girl Nikki? What about this other guy Ryan who is a pot head? I'm trying not to think about it to much but its a little hard not to. Sitting in a quite room of anywhere makes you think about things. Good and the bad. The only thing that Im worried about is US as a couple and as a family. If peole are going to pray for me. Pray that God will close the doors to these people that poison our relationship. That God will open Johns heart and fill it with love and happiness with Me and his family. To make our marriage stronger then ever. That is what I want and I hope that John feels the same way.


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