My life in my Mind...

Monday, February 20, 2006

My World has shattered like breaking glass in front my eyes. My knees are weak and my hands are sweaty, I feel unloved and alone. The only water I drink is sweet taste of my tears that I cry. I'm cold in a heated room and it dark even with lights on. I'm scared of the unknown and fear the worst. My heart tells me to beg for forgiveness for I have done wrong. I fear its to late and I have lost him forever. I know I have done wrong and I know now what is right I can finally see the light. No hand to hold on to, no one to hug, no shoulder to cry on, to one to hear me. I've lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks. My husband I fear I lost forever. The only man that I truly love. Dishonestly, secrets, distrust and moodness have won in this marriage that was the only thing I hung on to in life.


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