My life in my Mind...

Monday, March 27, 2006

How The Hell Are You...?
I'm so sorry that its been so long. Nothing really has been going on. I've been sending boxes, packing, getting crap together. My mother-in-law is coming Tuesday...KILL ME NOW! As much as I love the woman she drives me crazy sometimes. I still feel that I'm watching where I step so I'm not steping on anyones toes. I kinda went off on her today. I dont wanna talk about John so I'm just not.
I talked to Bryan for a while this morning. Someone stole his password and was talking to me. It was weird. I also noticed that I was taken off his myspace and was put on his block list. So, he didnt know anything about it till this morning. We got the myspace worked out not he just needs to change his password for yahoo. Other then that Bryan is doing great! Hes 100% better from the flu, and is just working crappy hours. I guess he wont have a day off till he gets home on leave. Also, hes going to have to get up for work at like 6:30am so he cant stay online for very long at night.
Friday, I went out again with Al. Just dinner at Olive Garden and a movie we saw Stay Alive it was pretty good. Al, jumpped which made me jump. It wasnt nothing all that special. Hes birthday is the 4th and he'll be 20. I'm having trouble to find out what I should get him.
My friends are having some hard times with there marriages. Emily and Don and Robin and Ken. Looks like the deployment from Iraq is catching up with them. Robin and Ken are having a hard time with bills, and making money. I really wish I was there with them to help out but being so far theres just nothing I can do besides be here when they need to vent. I read there blog and I have got pretty worried. Robin had a preg scare and Ken hates his job and Christina is getting older. There house is falling apart due to all the hurricanes just this last year. What a mess I tell you? Emily and Don are having there own hard times. Don is having a REALLY hard time after coming home from Iraq the 2nd time. I guess hes not sleeping and cant find a job. Emily was this stay-at-home mom and is now the money maker. I guess Don is also going back to childhood like times. Just like John is with all his pot head friends. I really hate what the Army is doing with our soldiers. The soldiers arent getting any help when they get back and once your time is up your time is up. I've totally turned away from this war now. Its just not worth it anymore. Our soldiers are to young to be going somewhere like the Middle East. The soldiers that I have talked to said the reason why they joined was because they want the college money. Why doesnt the president just lower the cost of college and then maybe just maybe things would be better.
Well, its getting late and I have to go to bed now. Nighters!


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