My life in my Mind...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Its been 2 days now...
I have alot packed and more to do. I see the days just flying by right now. Johns mom is starting to turn on me. I guess once again my parents saw this before I did and didnt wanna believe it but my parents were right AGAIN! I hate that. I know that everyone is going to freak out but I went on a date on Friday (St. Patties Day) Hes name is Al and hes 19 years old and it was just dinner and a movie. Hes from Dearborn and hes in the Army. Now I can just hear it now. What about Bryan. Hes still there. I'm still very much around for him. This guy Al is just a nice guy that wanted to take me out. Nothing happen. I know some of you wonder if John was to do this how would he feel and right now I dont care. He has hurt me more then I can count. Its just nice for someone else treat me like I should be. I know that Al is younge but, it was just dinner and a freakin movie. We talked about Mich (cause hes from there too) and myspace and John and the Army. It was def something that I needed. He even got online that night to tell me that he had a great night and that he hopes to do it again sometime. He asked me to go out again this Friday but I dont know. I still have lots of things to take care of. However, all work and no play makes Megan go crazy. I think I just might.
I called the Good Will today they are swinging by to pick up the couch, chair and dresser on the 30th. Also, the day that we are leaving. I called Tri-West (was Tri-Care) about the insurance and getting that moved. I have paper work to fill out and send in. Then I have to find a doctor for the boys and myself. I feel really good about all this. Just a little suprised that this is all has to happen in a week and a half. Ok well its late again and I didnt sleep all that great last night so Im pooped. Nighters!


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